Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Useful Tips on Purchasing Jewelry

By Roberto Sedycias

Purchasing jewelry is exciting for any women. Fashionable ornaments are the prime accessories for women from any walk of life. Today, you can find a wide range of choices in designs for jewelry such as traditional, modern delicate, enamel and stone laid, light and solid stuff, etc. Even when it comes to choice of metals, you can find gold, silver, platinum, etc. Whatever may be your choice, buying jewelry needs considering all the aspects of selection.

Individual jewelry or the set:

While purchasing jewelry of precious metal often people buy individual pieces such as ring, earrings, bangles or necklaces. If you are purchasing the whole set it may include more that one type of ornament. You need to make sure whether you want the complete set or single items. Besides, it is imperative that you should make up your mind about what to buy before you decide to buy jewelry. Be it a small ring, pendant or a complete set, it is not advisable to decide after entering the shop.

Budget matters:

Once you decide on the kind of jewelry you want to purchase, consider on the budget. The prices of the ornament generally depend on the size, weight, carat of the metal and their designs. Generally, cost of any item comprises the cost of the metal, labor charge, wastage and the tax. Before deciding to buy gold jewelry or any other precious metal, try to get adequate knowledge of the current market price of gold and that metal. It can give you an idea about the price of the jewelry before you purchase it.

Is it complementing your look?

Basically, jewelry is meant to enhance the look of the wearer. Hence, while selecting a piece for yourself it is very essential that you should try it in front of the mirror. In the showroom, you may find several traditional items that are eye-catching, but you should choose the one that complements your look.

Are you purchasing jewelry with stones?

Generally gold jewelry looks more attractive with stones. But make sure that the jeweler excludes the stones while weighing it. Otherwise, you will end up paying for the stones which are not as precious as the gold. Again, the some of the semi-precious stones don`t have re-sale values. So be careful while looking for items with or without stones.

Are you sure of the quality?

Quality is the major aspect of consideration while buying jewelry. For instance, purity of gold is measured in terms of carats and 24 carat gold is considered as the purest form of gold. But it is difficult to mould the gold into jewelry and hence alloys of gold are preferred. Make sure that the jeweler is providing the exact carat of gold that is mentioned. Similarly, while purchasing diamond or any other gemstones, be careful about the 4 c`s- color, cut, carat and clarity. Also, you should have proper knowledge of the precious and semi precious gemstones.

Jewelry designs - the art that draws recognition:

Designs are the most prominent aspect of the ornaments. For centuries jewelry lovers have been in search of latest and attractive designs and the designers are working to satisfy the masses. Jewelry is available with either standard designs or custom-made exclusive jewelry. You can select your items either with contemporary or traditional designs. Ornaments with traditional designs represent the classical choice of the owner. Exclusive jewelry display craftsmanship and becomes the style statement for the wearer.

The above tips of buying jewelry will definitely help you make the best buy.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil.

How Do I Clean My Diamond Ring?

By Lawrence Reaves
This is a question asked of diamond ring owners all of the time and you may be surprised to find you do not need to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to bring your diamond to life.

Even the most perfectly flawless diamond will lose its brilliance and fire as the detritus of everyday life accumulates on the ring. Aside from the obvious culprits such as soap and make-up, products such as hairspray and perfume will contribute to the deterioration of the diamond's appearance over time and diminishing your enjoyment. Fortunately, you can easily clean your jewelry with a little effort and even les money.

A recommended cleaning method is to buy an ammonia solution or take neat ammonia and dilute one-third of a cup ammonia to two-thirds of hot water from the tap. Soak the ring in this solution for 10 minutes which will loosen accumulated dirt and grime as well as matter such as bread dough. After you have soaked the ring for 10 minutes, take a soft toothbrush and gently scrub the ring but do NOT use toothpaste as it contains scouring agents (a principal ingredient in toothpaste is sand!) and for this reason do not use an old toothbrush as this will still have toothpaste residue and it only takes one scratch to ruin the appearance of your ring.

Here are Ultrasonic cleaning services available if you wish to use these but they are really not necessary and can be very expensive even when you buy them yourself for use at home. Not only can the alcohol cleaning fluid they use be expensive to buy and replenish, the violent spinning and shaking process which is applied may actually loosen your diamond setting and result in the loss of your diamond when you least expect it!

Another method you can try is to buy some rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) which is very cheap (less than a couple of dollars) and use a shaving brush with medium to hard bristles. Soak the ring for a couple of minutes and then apply the brush and pay special attention to the underside of the basket and around and between the prongs. Soak the ring for a further two minutes and dry it off with a tissue. Your ring will look as fresh and sparkling as it did when the craftsman finished it.

We have already mentioned how your ring should not be subjected to shock or shaking however, everyday life being what it is, it is inevitable your jewelry will be knocked and suffer the odd knock no matter how careful you are with it. You should routinely check your ring to make sure it is tight and the diamond is in no danger of falling loose; diamonds being what they are, it is more than likely you will not notice your diamond has fallen from the setting until it is far too late and you will have lost I for good!

Check your diamond ring by taking your thumb and forefinger and putting them on opposite ends of the girdle while you VERY gently try to move the diamond. If you experience even the slightest "give" in the diamond you should take this as a sign the prongs need some attention and tightening. Another good test is to hold your ring to your ear and shake it gently; if you hear any rattling this will be the diamond hitting the prongs and therefore it must be loose so get them tightened as soon as possible and refrain from wearing your ring until you do.

Lawrence Reaves - This article is provided by DanforthDiamond.com your online store source for wedding bands, diamond engagement rings and other fine diamond jewelry. Danforth Diamond gives honest advice to help you select the right engagement ring at the best price. Visit DanforthDiamond.com or call 877.404.RING

Phiten Star Necklace Review

By Erika Ayala

The Phiten star necklace has been accumulating mixed reviews from users, whether professional atheletes or not. This is because this product promises significant reduced pain in the joints due to stress and fatigue. I'm not sure where the secret lies in this product, but I bought this for my mom a few weeks ago, just because she's a bit of a brat when it comes to taking her medications, and this is the closest thing I can get to medication without sending her into panic attack.

I must say at first look, I found nothing extraordinary about this necklace but I was surprised in the end. I had to convince my mom that it instantly relieves the pain she constantly feels in her neck and back once she wears it.

Good thing was when she wore the Phiten necklace, she said that she immediately could feel less pain and considerable amount of comfort. I'm not sure whether or not it has something to do with mind over matter, but my mom said that it works.

What made me believe in it more was when I found out that a lot of professional athletes actually use Phiten necklaces like what I gave my mom, not just to relieve the pain they might feel, but to monitor themselves when they have training, or to find out if they are going beyond their limits.

I've heard that even Ernie Els and Randy Johnson are big fans of the Phiten star necklace, so I think that I don't have to worry anymore about its credibility. As long as it really helps my mom with her joint pains, and it helps her relax now more, I can take looking at her wearing something like a dog collar. I'm all for the Phiten star necklace as long as it's helping my mom.

For more information, check other Phiten Star Necklace reviews.

Erika Ayala works part time for a consumer review company.

Grading Your Diamond - The Four C's

By Lawrence Reaves

Diamonds are extremely valuable, in fact are the most valuable gemstone today though there is very great variation in the prices which are commanded by different stones. In order to understand what determines the value of a diamond you must first learn how diamond quality is assessed and so equip yourself with the knowledge to know what makes a good buy and what you should be looking to avoid when you are buying a diamond ring or jewelry yourself.

The "Four C's" are the criteria by which a diamond is graded - they are:

· Cut

· Clarity

· Color

· Carat (or weight)

You should know that a diamond fresh from the mine looks like any pebble you may find on the beach; they are completely nondescript and look just like any other piece of rock except, once cut and polished the fire and brilliance within is brought forth.

The cut and polish process is the first stage of creating your diamond after it has been extracted (it takes about 250 tons of ore to produce one carat of diamond), the cut itself is performed so as much of the diamond is preserved as possible (i.e. keeps the weight as high as possible and minimizes any waste) but more importantly, how the cuts are made will determine how much light will enter and be internally reflected within the diamond itself. It is this ability to internally reflect light before it re-emerges from the stone which adds to the brilliance and fire of the diamond's appearance. The wrong cuts and the light will not reflect internally and so it will diminish in appearance; the right cuts and the fire and brilliance will be amplified. Cutting and polishing is understandably, a much sought after skill and requires a great deal of artistry and superb craftsmanship.

A carat is a measure of the weight of a diamond; one carat is equal to 0.2 grams but the term actually derives from the use of carob seeds to balance the scales when weighing a diamond; one carob seed was one carat. In practice, jewelers use carats and a point scale so 50 points is equal to half a carat. You must be aware that a carat is a measure of weight and not size - a diamond may appear larger due to how it is cut, but it may weigh less than another diamond which has a different cut. Keep this in mind; a carat is a measure of weight and not size or shape.

Diamonds are formed about 50 miles or more below the surface of the earth where the pressures are so intense that the carbon atoms which make up diamonds are compressed into a particular atomic formation. This is the structure which makes a diamond possess such qualities as very high strength and transparency. While the diamonds are forming in the earth, they may also include flaws created by bubbles of gas, inclusion of foreign matter, scratches and internal faults along the bonds between the lattice-work of carbon atoms. Sometimes these flaws are visible to the naked eye, sometimes not while a flaw may be located closer to the diamond's visible surface or buried deep within the body of the stone. The more visible flaws a diamond possesses the less valuable it is because of the less clarity it has.

Color is actually a misnomer - diamonds with no coloring at all are sought after as the absence of color increases the ability for a diamond to appear on fire; a diamond may have a yellow hue which dulls the brilliance of the stone. In this instance, the less color a diamond possess the more valuable it is though there are some pink and blue diamond stones which are highly prized because they are so very rare.

Lawrence Reaves - This article is provided by DanforthDiamond.com a leading authority on wedding rings, engagement rings and fine jewelry. Danforth Diamond provides wisdom and advice to help you choose the right ring at the right price. Visit DanforthDiamond.com or call 877.404.RING

What Are Diamond Inclusions?

By Edward Calderazzo

A diamond inclusion is a tiny characteristic(e.g. microscropic crystal) enclosed in a diamond or going into it from its surface. All diamonds have inclusions or clarity characteristics that were formed during natural growth in the earth. A diamond's inclusions are its identifying characteristic, it's what makes each individual diamond unique, no two diamonds are the same. Moreover, inclusions also help in identifying a specific diamond. Inclusions have a big impact on the clarity grade. Getting familiar with the different diamond inclusion terms will allow you to differentiate between a diamond that has a significant inclusion or one that has an inclusion that won't be so significant in affecting its clarity and value. Please take a look at the different diamond inclusions and their definitions below.

* Crystal- a mineral trapped in a diamond.

* Cloud - many microscopic crystals grouped tightly together and this provides a hazy cloud-like appearance when viewing under a 10x loupe.

* Needle- is a tiny, long crystal within a diamond.

* Pinpoint-when viewed under a 10x loupe, this looks like just like a dot, but this is a crystal.

* Feather-a small break inside of diamond that looks like a feather, when viewed under 10x magnification.

* Knot-a crystal within a diamond that actually extends to the surface of the stone.

* Indented Naturals- a small part of the original rough that dips below a polished diamonds surface. Naturals are usually left on the diamond because this saves overall carat weight. These naturals are usually found on the diamond girdle and don't take away from its beauty or clarity grade for that matter.

* Bearded Girdle-tiny feathers that extend from the surface of the girdle to the interior of the diamond.

* Chip-an opening in the diamond that is caused by impact, a chip on a diamond will usually be found on a girdle, culet or facet edges.

* Cavity- an tiny opening in a diamond after a crystal that reaches the surface gets polished out.

* Internal Graining-is caused by irregular crystal growth in a diamond. If seen under 10x magnification, internal graining is characterized by lines, curving lines or angular lines.

* Twinning Wisp- when viewed under 10x magnification, a twining wisp looks like a flat, reflective, flowing ribbon, they can be white or colorful and usually are located around the diamonds center.

* Cleavage- a break in the stone located along a weak atomic plane.


Diamond Testing Equipment

By Melville Jackson
Are you having a hard time distinguishing real diamonds from fake stones? No need to worry, as there is a wide range of diamond testing equipment available in the market. These equipments help in verifying the authenticity of diamonds, without one having to acquire any gemological education or experience. This makes diamond testing possible for practically everyone!

Need for a Diamond Testing Equipment

In today's competitive gemstone market, all professional jewelers must own a sophisticated range of diamond testing equipment. This is because traditional testing equipments are not equipped to deal with the growing issues of today, which include the most important need of distinguishing real diamonds from simulants. Simulants are fake or cultured diamonds that are artificially prepared in a laboratory. These resemble real diamonds in several aspects, making it difficult for a traditional tester to distinguish it from a real one.

How Does Diamond Testing Equipment work?

Diamonds have the highest thermal conductivity among precious and semi-precious stones, after synthetic moissanites. A diamond tester comprising a fine-tipped probe helps to determine the level of thermal conductivity. Diamond testers help differentiate diamonds from other simulants, which include CZ (Cubic Zirconia), YAG (Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) and GGG (Gadolinium Gallium Garnet).

However, this thermal conductivity testing device has certain limitations, as it fails to detect thermal inertia in some rare diamonds. This includes the Type IIb diamonds, which are semiconductors and blue diamonds (containing boron), such as the famous Hope Diamond. This results in the device registering these natural diamonds as fake diamonds. Moreover, since diamonds and moissanites have similar thermal conductivity, the device registers moissanites as real diamonds. Hence, using a thermal conductivity device alone could yield inaccurate results.

Hence, it is advisable to use other testing equipment to supplement the thermal conductivity test. This could include tests that measure the optical properties or electrical conductivity of stones.

So, if you are looking for a diamond testing equipment to meet your needs, look no further. Log on to www.igem.com to select from a wide range of state-of-the-art diamond testing equipment. Our range also includes equipments that incorporate two devices in one, which in turn, help in yielding more accurate results.

We carry a vast range of gold testing equipment at affordable prices. Free ground shipping on orders of $100+. Order now!